Have you ever found yourself covering your mouth when laughing or speaking? Do you avoid social events because you’re worried about your smile? If these questions strike a chord, you might be one of …
As we all look for innovative ways to nurture and maintain that youthful glow, a new kid on the block has been gaining traction for its promising results - Profhilo. An innovative and award-winning a…
Entangled in our fast-paced, rigorously challenging lifestyle, have we paused and pondered about our mental well-being lately? How often have we incorporated practices in our daily lives that inhere…
During the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often fail to grant our bodies the care they deserve. But for individuals dealing with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) , this isn't a luxury; it…
Are you seeking to renovate your fitness routine? Craving a blend of strength training, flexibility improvement, and relaxing mindfulness to your everyday life? Pilates may just be the home improveme…
X-ray is a term with which all of us are familiar; usually, X-ray is recommended to diagnose bone-related injuries, but they are equally useful in the diagnosis of other ailments too. There are nearl…
People do age; with time, ageing becomes an inevitable factor. Therefore, it is always better to choose the right anti-aging clinic with a license, and the professionals who work there can contribute…
The beauty and wellness market are growing at a breakneck pace. There are so many techniques and treatments that are going to give you the best result. The tightening or lifting of the skin on the fa…
Although the eyes are considered to be the most important organ of our body, sometimes its care is largely neglected by individuals. Most of the time eye health doesn’t get attention and priority unt…
You are 40 and do not know how to follow a decent skin treatment regimen. Your skin has been a victim of hyperpigmentation, blisters, and you have been fighting hard to get back your skin in shape.…
With each passing day, laser treatments are becoming more and more popular and there are several reasons that are present behind the success of these. But if a skin clinic does not have a good repu…
Many children need to wear glasses from a very tender age. As parents, we should be careful when it comes to taking care of their eyesight and ordering the right glasses for them. After all, kids a…
We often tend to ignore minor foot injuries and pain. But you never know when this pain would increase and become troublesome. Here comes the role of a podiatrist. Yes, these are a trained and skil…
Eye vision or human eyes are the most precious things for human beings and our eyes help us to connect with the rest of the world. Similar to other organs, eye health is one of the most important t…
The proper functioning of the foot is dependent upon the proper functioning of the muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. The problems or rather pain in the foot may be experienced due to problems…
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