Most drivers think speed humps to be a nuisance on the road. The speed bumps or humps are used on roads to stop overspending vehicles. This is mainly because overspending can be a reason for accidents, and people can get seriously injured. This is beneficial for drivers on-road as it keeps them safe and keeping the pedestrians on the road safe from speeding vehicles.
More about the speed bumps, they are usually six feet and are placed at a shorter distance during travel forces the driver to reduce the speed and drive within the speed limit.
There are different speed bumps that you will see on the road. One is made with the use of cement and other such materials used while construction of the road, and another type is made with metal that is bend and placed on the road. Vehicles have to cross it by reducing their speed otherwise, they might suffer from a heavy jerk.
Though it can be an inconvenience to some, these are necessary to reduce the number of road accidents these days. In today’s modern era, the speed humps usually range between twelve to fourteen feet which cover the entire width of the road. As a result, the humps ensure the drivers on road cannot escape the hump and keep their driving pace controlled at the same time. The actual need for these bumps or humps is to reduce the vehicle's speed then to make them stop completely.
Benefits of Speed Bumps
Following are some more reasons why speed humps are advantageous and used rigorously:
1. Reduces Speed- Issues related to vehicles speeding a lot on road have been one of the major problems everyone has to face these days. The government has set some speed rules that most drivers and bike riders tend to follow, and they neglect these rules and ride their bikes and cars way beyond the speed limit. The humps made of metal or rubber acts like a tool that forces the drivers to reduce the speed and drive within the limit. These are placed mainly where you get to see more crowd, like in front of shopping complexes, schools and much more. According to a recent survey it has been found that humps are effective in reducing the number of drivers who do not follow the rules and preventing them from hurting the citizens.
2. Maintain Traffic The Right Way- Traffic is mainly caused by vehicles that do not allow the other vehicles to pass. These are mainly found in the urban areas, but now this is common even in the rural areas mainly because the number of vehicles on the road is increasing day by day. Though one cannot fully avoid these situations, one can control this problem by putting humps on the road. These control the overall speeding, and they are forced to follow the rules and give others space.
3. Offers Safety In Winters- During the winter season, the roads tend to become slippery and frozen. It becomes a bit problematic to drive in such situations. This is the reason why speed humps are used. This prevents the vehicles from skidding, and people can drive safely. The chances of accidents on the slippery road also become less.
Final Words
So, these were some of the benefits of using speed humps on the road. No matter how annoyed people become, these provide safety, and the drivers are forced to follow road rules.